Weekly update #7: Hooray for Nikkei Bunko!
I’m up to 154,786 words, which is around 25,000 more words than I had last week, and it’s all thanks to Nikkei Bunko providing me with a healthy supply of level 3/4 books. At the moment the books I like best are books written for first and second graders, level 3 books by my system, that have between 1,000 and 3,000 words; I predict that by the time I reach 250,000 – 300,000 words, I’ll stop looking specifically for those kinds of books.
I’ve started tutoring a friend of mine in Japanese; aside from some words she’s picked up from anime, she’s a complete beginner. I want to try extensive reading as part of what she’s learning right from the start, in some capacity or another, so I expect I’ll have a lot to say about that in the upcoming months.
Also, my tadoku friend Emmie has agreed to do the most wonderful thing for me! She’ll let me order books online and have them sent to her, then when they reach a certain amount, pack them up and ship them to me, after which I’ll pay her back for shipping. There are a lot of used books online that are so cheap that even after shipping, the total price still isn’t bad at all! I’m so excited about this it’s ridiculous.
2 Responses to Weekly update #7: Hooray for Nikkei Bunko!
- Extensive reading is known as 多読, or tadoku in Japanese. To try it, start with very easy books (ones with no more than two or three unknown words per page), and follow these principles:
1. Don’t look up words in the dictionary while reading.
2. Skip over parts you don’t understand.
3. If you aren’t enjoying one book, toss it aside and get another.
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For more information, read "What Is Extensive Reading?" and "Classification System."
To learn more about Kunihide Sakai, who developed the three principles of tadoku and has worked to popularize it in Japan for years, read this interview with him.
Finally, for more than you ever wanted to know about why I believe extensive reading is worth your time, read my tadoku manifesto. Currently reading:
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What is the life for if it were not for anything ridiculous!?^^
アマゾンで古本を買うと、250円送料がかかるけど、book-off online なら1500円以上で無料です。
Emmie, you’re right! I’m ridiculously happy, and I’m going to spend a ridiculous amount of money on ridiculous books, and that’s ridiculously wonderful ^^
アマゾンで買ったほうが安い本もあって、book-off onlineで買ったほうが安い本もあります。