This is a list of all the Level 2 books that are part of my own collection; it’ll be updated as I keep reading (and buying) them.
From Extensive Reading in Japanese, the definition of a Level 2 book:
Level 2: Mainly hiragana and katakana text. If there are kanji, furigana is given for each kanji. The text is longer but still contains a lot of pictures to aid student comprehension. Japanese native readers would be five to eight years old.
I’ve added Amazon links for the benefit of having title images and just in case anyone wants to subsidize my reading, but if you’re interested in ordering any of these, I’d also recommend you look them up on Kinokuniya’s website or and compare prices and shipping costs. They may also be available at a library near you or be available through inter-library loan; you can look them up at Finally, if you’re in the Tacoma area, I’m setting up a weekly extensive reading group through the Tacoma Language and Culture meetup group; feel free to join the group and come read any of these!
Also, all title translations are my own unless otherwise indicated, names are family name first, then given name, and 作 and 絵 mean “author” and “illustrator,” respectively.
Placeholder post
This is an incomplete list of all the Level 2 books available from Nikkei Bunko, a Japanese-language library operated by the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington; it’ll be updated as I keep reading them.
From Extensive Reading in Japanese, the definition of a Level 2 book:
Level 2: Mainly hiragana and katakana text. If there are kanji, furigana is given for each kanji. The text is longer but still contains a lot of pictures to aid student comprehension. Japanese native readers would be five to eight years old.
I’ve added Amazon links for the benefit of having title images and just in case anyone wants to subsidize my reading, but if you’re interested in ordering any of these, I’d also recommend you look them up on Kinokuniya’s website or and compare prices and shipping costs. They may also be available at a library near you or be available through inter-library loan; you can look them up at Also, all title translations are my own unless otherwise indicated, names are family name first, then given name, and 作 and 絵 mean “author” and “illustrator,” respectively.
The Cat with a Million Lives
作/絵:佐野 洋子(さの ようこ, Sano Yōko)
Level 2 絵本, 31 pages, 750 words (est.) ★★★★★ Hardcover
This book was recommended to me by a couple of people on lang-8, and quite a few people using 読書メーター (Reading Meter) have read it, so you could consider it one of those thoughtful, classic picture books that appeals to adults, and would therefore be a good book for an extensive reading collection. The cat of the title has lived a million lives, and been mourned by a million owners; he’s never cried once.
The One-Inch Boy
作:長谷川 彰(はせがわ あきら, Hasegawa Akira)
絵:金山 通弘(かなやま みちひろ, Kanayama Michihiro)
Level 2 絵本, 48 pages, 600 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
I don’t know why I felt the need to revisit this story — I guess I’m just a sucker for fairy tales. So-so pictures for this one, but more details compared to the version I read before.
This is an incomplete list of all the Level 2 books available from the Pierce County Library; it’ll be updated as I keep reading them.
From Extensive Reading in Japanese, the definition of a Level 2 book:
Level 2: Mainly hiragana and katakana text. If there are kanji, furigana is given for each kanji. The text is longer but still contains a lot of pictures to aid student comprehension. Japanese native readers would be five to eight years old.
I’ve added Amazon links for the benefit of having title images and just in case anyone wants to subsidize my reading, but if you’re interested in ordering any of these, I’d also recommend you look them up on Kinokuniya’s website and compare shipping costs. Also, all title translations are my own unless otherwise indicated, names are family name first, then given name, and 作 and 絵 mean “author” and “illustrator,” respectively.
Miffy and Melanie
作/絵:ディック・ブルーナ(Dick Bruna)
Level 2 絵本, 26 pages, 180 words (est.) ★★★★☆ Hardcover
I actually started trying out extensive reading last spring, when I lived in Ann Arbor, and the A2 library system had four or five of these translations of the Miffy books. I loved them! Reading them almost as quickly as I could read English made me happy. By now I am only reading picture books out of a vague sense of obligation to my poorly thought-out resolution of reading all the Japanese children’s books in the Tacoma library, but when I saw this one on the Pierce county library shelf I couldn’t help but check it out.
A Harp Seal Mother and Child
写真:福田 幸広(ふくだ ゆきひろ, Fukuda Yukihiro)
文:結城 モイラ(ゆうき もいら, Yūki Moira)
Level 2 絵本, 28 pages, 500 words (est.) ★★★★☆ Hardcover
I’ve got a strong preference for this kind of level 2 book with regards to adult extensive reading, and not just because there is an adorable picture of an upside-down baby seal: it’s nice to follow a baby seal’s life and learn something new at the same time you’re practicing Japanese.
This is an incomplete list of all the Level 2 books available from the Seattle Public Library; it’ll be updated as I keep reading them.
From Extensive Reading in Japanese, the definition of a Level 2 book:
Level 2: Mainly hiragana and katakana text. If there are kanji, furigana is given for each kanji. The text is longer but still contains a lot of pictures to aid student comprehension. Japanese native readers would be five to eight years old.
I’ve added Amazon links for the benefit of having title images and just in case anyone wants to subsidize my reading, but if you’re interested in ordering any of these, I’d also recommend you look them up on Kinokuniya’s website and compare shipping costs. Also, all title translations are my own unless otherwise indicated, names are family name first, then given name, and 作 and 絵 mean “author” and “illustrator,” respectively.
きいろい ことり
The Yellow Bird
作/絵:ディック・ブルーナ(Dick Bruna)
Level 2 絵本, 24 pages, 175 words (est.) ★★★★☆ hardcover
This one is by Dick Bruna, who did the Miffy books, and I do love the Miffy books (although I read them in Ann Arbor, so I haven’t written about them here) so I read this even though there’s no Miffy in it. A little yellow bird visits a farm and hears all about farm life from a friendly dog.
Spooky Town’s Slurpy Festival
作/絵:たごもりのりこ(Tagomori Noriko)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 350 words (est.) ★★★★★ Hardcover
This one was awesome, so it got its own review.
“Hermit Crab” Real Estate Agency
作:穂高順也(ほたかじゅんや, Hotaka Jun’ya)
絵:石井聖岳(いしいきよたか, Ishii Kiyotaka)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 550 words (est.) ★★★★★ Hardcover
I pretty much just got this one because I like hermit crabs, but it was awfully cute, and a good example of how the right picture books can be a great foundation for more advanced reading; in this book, the reader learns the word for “real estate agency,” what a real estate agent does and how he or she talks, which is a better start than having to memorize twenty real-estate related words in difficult kanji all at once.
Why did I put “hermit crab” in quotes? Well, hermit crab is usually 宿借り, or “home-renter,” which makes sense if you know how hermit crabs move from shell to shell; this hermit crab is a 宿貸し, or “home-lender” because he’s in the business of finding other animals the perfect home!
Boris and the Blue Umbrella
作/絵:ディック・ブルーナ(Dick Bruna)
Level 2 絵本, 28 pages, 140 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
I’ve mentioned my fondness for Dick Bruna’s books before: they’re on the easy end of level 2, but the sentences are complex enough to save them from level 1, and the Miffy books I came across in Ann Arbor were the first books that really made me understand the idea of extensive reading, so even though I’m beyond them at this point I can’t help but pick them up when I see them. In this book, Boris has various adventures with his blue umbrella.
We Can All Do Level 7!
作:宮川ひろ(みやかわひろ, Miyakawa Hiro)
絵:長谷川知子(はせがわともこ Hasegawa Tomoko)
Level 2 絵本, 40 pages, 700 words (est.) ★★★★☆ Hardcover
Atsuko has decreased use of her left arm and leg because of a childhood illness, so PE class is a challenge for her; when the class has to practice jumping over the vaulting box, she can barely make it over the first levels. (This is not a gadget I was aware of before, as I’m decidedly not a gymnast; it’s an adjustable hurdle, or 跳び箱.) Will she ever be able to pass level 7 along with her classmates? This one, as the word count indicates, is on the higher end of level 2.
Level 2 Japanese Books Available From The Tacoma Public Library
This is an incomplete list of all the Level 2 books available from the Tacoma Public Library; it’ll be updated as I keep reading them.
From Extensive Reading in Japanese, the definition of a Level 2 book:
Level 2: Mainly hiragana and katakana text. If there are kanji, furigana is given for each kanji. The text is longer but still contains a lot of pictures to aid student comprehension. Japanese native readers would be five to eight years old.
I’ve added Amazon links for the benefit of having title images and just in case anyone wants to subsidize my reading, but if you’re interested in ordering any of these, I’d also recommend you look them up on Kinokuniya’s website and compare shipping costs. Also, all title translations are my own unless otherwise indicated, names are family name first, then given name, and 作 and 絵 mean “author” and “illustrator,” respectively.
Hurry, Express Home Delivery Company!
作:竹下 文子(たけした ふみこ, Takeshita Fumiko)
絵:鈴木 まもる(すずき まもる, Suzuki Mamoru)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 200 words (est.) ★★★★★ Hardcover
Really cute picture book about how a home delivery company gets a box of apples from point A to point B. I really liked the illustrations and lingered on them for some time– there were lots of cats hanging around 宅配便 vehicles for some reason. I’ve got a textbook for business Japanese I keep meaning to spend more time with, and for some reason 営業 just wouldn’t stick in my head before, but now I’ll always associate it with this book because the delivery trucks arrive at an 営業所.
Fly Into Action, Gachapin! ~ Dr. Mukku’s Invention
作:ガチャピン・ムック (Gachapin and Mukku)
絵:まめこ (Mameko)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 450 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
I guess this Gachapin critter is kind of a thing? It’s not something I had heard of, but now it makes a little more sense, as the book seemed to presuppose a little knowledge about Gachapin’s world, but I didn’t see any mention of any other books in the series. Whatever the case, this is a tremendously fun and colorful little book, and if there’s anything cuter in the whole world of picture books than a happy reformed garbage spirit with a kerchief and a snail-shaped vacuum cleaner, I have yet to see it.
Everyone Loves Chocolate!
監修: 古谷野 哲夫(ひらの てつお, Hirano Tetsuo)
Level 2 絵本, 30 pages, 1,000 words (est.) ★★★★☆ Hardcover
It has certainly been a while since I would have read a book like this in English, so I only had a passing familiarity with the process of chocolate making; this book lays it all out in a really cute way. It’s good about explaining the specialized vocabulary, as well; one page explains that the chocolate is ねる – in this context, mixed over and over – and a factory worker explains to the little chocolate bar avatar that it’s not ねる as in sleeping, but a different ねる.
The Cat’s Tail (or Shippo the Cat)
作/絵:星野 絵里子(ほしの えりこ, Hoshino Eriko)
Level 2 絵本, 30 pages, 150 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
Another charming level 2 book, this is about a cat named Shippo (which means tail) who happens to have a tail so long it can be tied into a bow, used to rescue other cats from trees and so on. This one won the Tully’s Picture Book Award in 2004, and it does have remarkably cute cat illustrations.
Mr. Midnight
作/絵:早川 純子(はやかわ じゅんこ, Hayakawa Junko)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 300 words (est.) ★★★★☆ Hardcover
Mayonaka-san runs a midnight coffee shop, and one night he has to deliver a large order of coffee to a group observing the night sky. Really trippy illustrations, but they’re cute, not trippy in a bad way (and there have been at least two books I haven’t yet been able to bring myself to finish because the pictures were trippy in a bad way, so I know what I’m talking about).
Vehicle CO2 Illustrated Guide
作/絵:三浦 太郎(みうら たろう, Miura Tarō)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 225 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
An illustrated comparison of how much CO2 various vehicles (and humans) produce. Not much in the way of content, and the vocabulary is accordingly basic, but the illustrations are pretty snappy. I rather like these 図鑑… what can I say, I’m easily attracted by pictures.
The Chestnut Tree
作:島本 一男(しまもと かずお, Shimamoto Kazuo)
絵:ひろかわ さえこ(Hirokawa Saeko)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 400 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
A rather sweet story about a chestnut tree at a nursery school that had to be cut down, upsetting the kids; everyone coped by planting new trees, bringing in a Shinto priest to help conduct a ceremony for everyone to say goodbye to the tree, and singing a song about the tree.
チョコレート だいすき
I Love Chocolate!
作:大西 寿(おおにし ひさし, Ōnishi Hisashi)
Level 2 絵本, 28 pages, 750 words (est.) ★★★★☆ Hardcover
Not to be confused with みんなだいすき!チョコレート, this book, which is also about the processing of cocoa beans into chocolate, is actually a step or two easier, so if I had seen it first I would have read it first. Where the other book focuses on how chocolate factories work, this takes a bit of a hands-on approach, and they really compliment each other. For example, this one actually shows how you can process the cocoa beans by hand: steps 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11 all basically read “Then grind them some more,” making すりつぶす a very easy word to remember.
Flower Comb (official translation)
作:いもとようこ(Imoto Yōko)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 350 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
For a cute kids’ book done up in watercolor with bunnies, this is a deeply strange book. A bunny who just became a nurse is too freaked out by one of her wolf patients to fulfill her dying wish, and apparently ends up regretting it for what must have been years afterward. The lesson? Just as Metafilter reminds us, everyone needs a hug.
Kumako-chan’s Polka-Dot Handkerchief
作/絵:なかや みわ(Nakaya Miwa)
Level 2 絵本, ? pages, 150 words (guess) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
All the polka dots escape from Kumako-chan’s handkerchief after she washes it. At a certain point the cuter level 2 books blur into each other, so there’s not much to remark on here. But it was tremendously sweet! I couldn’t find it when I went back to the library, so I will look for it later, and for now the 150 words is just a guess.
My Forest
作/絵:キクタ ミネコ(Kikuta Mineko)
Level 2 絵本, 35 pages, 400 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
It’s a very cute little book about finding family and friends, but it will forever be marred for me by my husband’s telling of it. He was wondering why Japanese kids don’t get confused by some books reading front to back and others reading back to front, and he picked this one off the top of my stack and told the story backwards, pretending he didn’t know where it was supposed to start. He doesn’t know Japanese, so it was just based on the pictures, and it involved the main character stress-eating, getting kidnapped by a creepy old guy and dying and going to heaven. It comes off as a little sweeter if one reads it the right way, I assure you.
ゆきの ひの おきゃくさま
The Snowy Day Visitor
作/絵:木村 泰子(きむら やすこ, Kimura Yasuko)
Level 2 絵本, 30 pages, 300 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
This is another basic book that doesn’t lend itself to a lot of discussion, but the artwork is adorable. (Shame Amazon doesn’t have the cover online…) One interesting point is the illustration of the clock that guides the progression of the seasons: the numbers are mostly accompanied by Japanese seasonal symbols, with a little Christmas tree for the 12:00 / December slot.
Baba-chan’s Hospital Visit
作:神沢 利子(かんざわ としこ, Kanzawa Toshiko)
絵:山脇 百合子(やまわき ゆりこ, Yamawaki Yuriko)
Level 2 絵本, 30 pages, 300 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
For a little level 2 picture book, it had a surprising amount of words I didn’t know, mostly related to the pie that Baba-chan makes for her friend (and then eats herself). Weighing out flour, marinating cherries, having just one slice left over and so on takes a lot of specialized vocabulary. And then by the time the said hospital visit actually happens, the pie doesn’t even exist anymore, so there you go.
ほしのこルンダ — くろいほしのナニイ
Star Child Lunda ~ Nanii of the Black Star
作/絵 やなせ たかし(Yanase Takashi)
Level 2 絵本, 63 pages, 750 words (est.) ★★☆☆☆ Hardcover
I guess this Lunda kid has a modest series to his name, but to tell the truth I was tremendously bored by his adventure and read through it just to say I did. To be fair, I would likely have enjoyed it more if I was a five-year old boy. It reminded me of the bit in Even A Monkey Can Draw Manga about what kids like.
うしさん おっぱい しぼりましょ
Let’s Milk Mrs. Cow!
作:穂高 順也(ほたか じゅんや, Hotaka Jun’ya)
絵:竹内 通雅(たけうち つーが, Takeuchi Tsūka)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 400 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
You know how I’ve been known to call picture book art “trippy in a bad way?” Well, here’s what I mean. As a punishment for tickling me, I made Brian look through this book.
“That’s some questionable art,” he said.”
“Questionable, yes.”
“Actually, questionable isn’t quite the right word. I know the question. It’s a very simple question. WHY GOD WHY”
The text is equally trippy: a cow’s milk takes on the flavor of anything you feed it, which is all well and good when it’s a handful of strawberries, but not so adorable when it’s forcefeeding the cow a vat full of potatoes, onions and carrots so that she can produce stew for fifty ungrateful children. This taxes her so much she withers away to almost nothing, but it’s OK because she swallows a band of traveling musicians to regain her strength. I’d like to think, at least, that this makes cow-related vocabulary very easy for tiny children to remember. “Pasture? To wither? To milk a cow? To play an instrument inside a cow? Those words are a snap. I learned them when I read this book about a demon cow from Hell.”
Punkuto and the Baby Birds
作/絵:池内 梢(いけうち こずえ, Ikeuchi Kozue)
Level 2 絵本, 30 pages, 350 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
Very cute and cheerful little picture book about a bunch of baby birds and their flightless mentor; won the 2004 Tully’s Picture Book Award. I like the flat, colorful art style, but however it looked, it’d be a real joy after the crazy cow book. *shudder* *shiver* Did I mention the illustration with the cow producing ice cream? You’re going to have to find that one on your own.
The North Pole is Sinking! (official title)
作/絵:イーサン・キム・マツダ、マイケル・マツダ(Ethan Kheim Matsuda and Michael Matsuda)
Level 2 本, 39 pages, 1,400 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
When Santa’s factory starts tipping to the side on account of the melting ice, it’ll take more than tying it to balloons and rubber duckies to keep it upright; Santa and his reindeer have to brave the smog to learn about global warming and alternative energy sources.
The One-Inch Boy
作:こわせ たまみ(Kowase Tamami)
絵:高見 八重子(たかみ やえこ, Takami Yaeko)
Level 2 絵本, 26 pages, 250 words (est.) ★★★★☆ Hardcover
A classic Japanese fairytale about an old couple who wish for a child and get one so tiny he uses a bowl for a boat and a needle for a sword. He wants to become a warrior, and finds a job in the capital as a noble girl’s playmate. (The illustration in this version of the two of them playing cat’s cradle together is adorable.) Eventually, he defeats a demon, who drops a magic mallet; the power of this mallet makes him grow to normal size. So if you remember your Secret of Mana properly, you should be thinking of the Midge Mallet, which can be used to turn your characters back to normal size if they’ve been shrunken. This reference pops up in some other games, too, but that’s the one I remember best.
Toko, Googoo and Kiki
作:村山 亜土(むらやま あど, Murayama Ado)
絵:柚木 沙弥郎(ゆのき さみろう, Yunoki Samirō)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 450 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
The peaceful lives of Toko the toucan and Googoo the sloth are disrupted when Kiki the chameleon falls out of the Animal Circus airplane into their jungle.
Little Tama and the Bowl Family
作/絵:山田 詩子(やまだ うたこ, Yamada Utako)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 250 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
Tama-chan’s parents are going away for a week, but they’ve enlisted the family of bowls next door to bring her food every day: salad one day, strawberries the next, and who knows what the day after that. Charming, very girly and relatively simple level 2 book.
The Bear’s Track
作:篠塚 かをり(しなづかかをり, Shinazuka Kaori)
絵:いしい じゅね(Ishi June)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 200 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
A monkey finds a piece of string and uses it to pretend he’s a bus; if you’ve ever had problems remembering 降りる and 乗る this book can help set you straight, as the monkey picks up and drops off lots of passengers. I liked the playful, cheery art for this book.
The Moon Ran Away
作/絵:谷川 晃一(たにがわ こういち, Tanigawa Kōichi)
Level 2 絵本, 36 pages, 250 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
One stormy night, the moon walks into a bar — it’s so cloudy out that he can afford to take a day off, and he drinks the bartender’s best wine and gets good and drunk. (Yes, it’s stated that obviously; there’s one big difference between Japanese kids’ books and American ones.) The bartender sees a way to turn this to his advantage… Because of the content and word count I’m still counting this one as level 2, but it has more kanji (with furigana) than most level 2 books.
Children of Flowers (official title)
作:小原 稚子(おはら わかこ, Ohara Wakako)
絵:黒田 征太郎(くろだ せいたろう, Kuroda Seitarō)
Level 2 絵本, 28 pages, 250 words (est.) ★★☆☆☆ Hardcover
A bilingual, poetic book about flowers, stars, love and so on that is, to me, slightly harder than level 2 books that are straight up stories. I’m not a big fan of bilingual books because I feel like a crucial part of extended reading is that deep-down feeling of either knowing you understood it or you didn’t; if you don’t understand something, it’s better to puzzle it over a bit without the temptation of a translation right there.
My Dreams, Your Dreams (official title)
作:田中 章義(たなか あきよし, Tanaka Akiyoshi)
絵:とりごえ まり(Torigoe Mari)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 400 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
Another bilingual book, this one is about Tibetan refugee children, and it’s affecting and poetic. The afterword adds about 100 words or so, plus a little context.
The Stray Dog (official title)
作:マーク・シーモント(Marc Simont)
訳:三原 泉(みはら いずみ, Mihara Izumi)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 200 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
A family finds a dog in a park and plays with him, but when the day is over and the kids want to take him home, the parents tell them it’s time for the dog to go back to his owner. “But what if he doesn’t have an owner?” they wonder…
The Chair Ran Away
作:森山 京(もりやま みやこ, Moriyama Miyako)
絵:スズキ コージ(すずき こうじ, Suzuki Kōji)
Level 2 絵本, 40 pages, 500 words (est.) ★★☆☆☆ Hardcover
I learned to read when I was very, very young — long before I learned to deal with things that disturbed me. The consequence was that some books frightened me so much that my mom had to tape them up and hide them. Apparently the life skill of “dealing with disturbing things” is still not one I’ve mastered, because I tried to read this book three times before I finally finished it. Who knew chairs and bunnies could look so wrong? Seriously, this bunny is nightmare fuel.
But What About My Tail?
作/絵:下田 智美(しもだ ともみ, Shimoda Tomomi)
Level 2 絵本, 28 pages, 675 words (est.) ★★★★★ Hardcover
A young boy wonders why he doesn’t have a tail, and goes out to borrow various tails from other animals so he can test them out. (The sound of a tail being removed and replaced is カッチ, by the way.) This is a level 2 book that has a lot of extra information (that I didn’t count in the word count — maybe another 500 words?) such as how to make different kinds of tails, a summary of what various animals use their tails for, and a “What Type of Tail Suits You?” quiz. (Answer questions like “Do you get more excited about New Year’s than Christmas?” and “Do your farts make a “プゥー” sound, or a “スー” sound?” and get your animal type.)
The Coin-Giving Snake
作:尾上 尚子(おのえ たかこ, Onoe Takako)
絵:寺岡 正道(てらおか まさみち, Teraoka Masamichi)
Level 2 絵本, 24 pages, 400 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
A story from the Panchatantra, an Indian collection of fables, that’s very similar to The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg.
The Prickly Boy
作:今村 葦子(いまむら あしこ, Imamura Ashiko)
絵:西村 繁男(にしむら しげお, Nishimura Shigeo)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 700 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
A hedgehog wants to make friends more than anything; his parents warn him that others will probably be turned off by all his needles, but he says “Didn’t you tell me that it’s what’s inside that’s important?” But with his needles, he can’t join in on games of “Oshikura Manjyū” and leapfrog. However, it turns out his needles do come in handy sometimes…
The Moonlight Night Birthday
作:岩瀬 成子(いわせ じょうこ, Iwase Jōko)
絵:味戸 ケイコ(あじと けいこ, Ajito Keiko)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 900 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
Mari loves her birthday presents, a new dress and a star pin, so much that she goes to sleep wearing them; on that night, she joins a series of animals to watch the lunar eclipse and gives a present to each one of them. A dreamy little book, with adorable pictures.
On The Night You Were Born (official title)
作/絵:ナンシー・ティルマン(Nancy Tillman)
訳:内田恭子(うちだきょうこ, Uchida Kyōko)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 250 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
This is the kind of picture book that’s more for the parents than for the kid, and it’s less of a straightforward story than most level 2 books; this kind of picture book can be good for exploring more poetic language.
Lonely Santa
作:内田麟太郎(うちだりんたろう, Uchida Rintarō)
絵:沢田としき(さわだとしき, Sawada Toshiki)
Level 2 絵本, 32 pages, 250 words (est.) ★★★☆☆ Hardcover
It turns out that sometimes even Santa feels a little down after all of the pre-Christmas excitement, and he can’t even play himself a song on his harmonica because it’s broken. But a surprise guest manages to cheer him up…
- Extensive reading is known as 多読, or tadoku in Japanese. To try it, start with very easy books (ones with no more than two or three unknown words per page), and follow these principles:
1. Don’t look up words in the dictionary while reading.
2. Skip over parts you don’t understand.
3. If you aren’t enjoying one book, toss it aside and get another.
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For more information, read "What Is Extensive Reading?" and "Classification System."
To learn more about Kunihide Sakai, who developed the three principles of tadoku and has worked to popularize it in Japan for years, read this interview with him.
Finally, for more than you ever wanted to know about why I believe extensive reading is worth your time, read my tadoku manifesto. Currently reading:
Superfluous Stats
Books read: 303
Word count (since starting the blog): 380,500Categories
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Extensive Reading
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- The Extensive Reading Pages
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Japanese Language Learning Resources